Thursday, July 2, 2009

Am I really a dinosaur.....or how old I really am......

In this techno-savvy world, I have to admit that using new devices and services is not always the easiest thing for me. I have to have my children school me in the use of the DVD player and such. Really, I just don't have the time or the spare brain cells to take this stuff on by myself. Once, I learn a new machine or skill or application, I can ride like the wind with it. That being said.......

I am learning to text on my cell phone. It is a strange and foreign concept to me. And one that I think is redundant. Why take all that time to text, when you can simply dial and talk about it? That's the question. In case you hadn't figured it out, I'm a talker, a communicator. Someone who apparently loves to hear their own voice, cause I have to say, this texting thing is not coming easy to me.

In fact, it goes against the grain of everything all my typing and office management and VOE instructors ever taught me. Fingers on the home row keys, girls. ASDF JKL:. Use correct form and do not look at your keys. All those many years of training and work ethic......down the tubes. All the years that it took me to be able to type 85 words per minute......not important. Gone. Now, I'm hunting and pecking with my THUMBS. Can you believe that? I can hardly stand it. Every time I text I have a montage of old typing and business education teachers mumbling in my ears. It's really a sad thing to see. Me typing with my thumbs talking to old women who really aren't there anymore. I should be on TV I think.

So, with that all important information conveyed to you. I bid you adieu and hope you have a great rest of the week.


that TOPS lady said...

I completely understand this post. When I finished high school, I took some computer courses at our local community college place so I would be more likely to land a good job. However, I fell in love, got married, had kids and became a stay at home mom. (which I love, and don't regret) And now, the computer programs that I went to school for are obsolete and no one even uses them anymore. *sigh* oh well.

Lula! said...

When I first started texting a few years ago, I was all thumbs. Literally.

Now these fingers (and thumbs!) fly with the best of them. It makes me feel like a teenager. Even though I don't text like a teenager...meaning, every 5 seconds of my life.

And so with all of MY important information conveyed to you, I bid you a VERY HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!